Saturday, December 29, 2018

An Interesting Biography

One of the writers I appreciate is Phyllis Tickle, author of the Divine Hours prayer book series...

I saw her in person in Toronto a few years back, when I attended a weekend conference that she led - about a year before she died of cancer.

She was so different than I had imagined that I was really taken aback!

Who is this person, really? I wondered... Definitely not quiet and reflective, as I had imagined her to be! So I began to read more of her autobiographical books...

I still can't say I've reconciled my impression of the person I heard speak with the  author of these prayer books. I have, however, discovered some interesting stories of her life.

Born in the southern USA 10-15 years before I was born, her life was very different than mine...

When she was a teenager, for example, her mother and aunt compiled a list of 13 young men in her community that she was permitted to date! The amazing thing - to me - was that this outspoken, free-thinker that I saw in later life actually complied! And she ended up marrying one of them!

(A dozen years later - when I was a teenager - I would have laughed if my mother had suggested something like this to me!! In fact, I can't even imagine it...)

Had times changed so drastically in a decade? Or was Canada simply a freer place to grow up than the American South?

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