Sunday, April 28, 2013

What If...?

Often my Sunday blog post is like a game of volleyball. In it I toss up ideas that come flying at me - from various sources, usually books I am reading.

One idea I have been reflecting on recently is fear, in particular the question: What would I dare to do (that I'm not doing) if I knew that everything would turn out all right?

In other words, Is fear holding me back?

So these words, that I read recently, seem particularly relevant:

"I will not fear" ... does not mean that we will never feel fear, but it does mean that we will not allow it to rule our decisions and actions... Fear causes people to bury their talents due to fear of failure, judgment or criticism." (The Confident Woman, p. 42)

Together with the reminder that the story of Abraham (in the Bible) began when Abraham was 75... (and I'm not quite there yet!)... I am wondering how I should be widening my horizons... What fears are holding me back?

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