Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday: Resurrection Joy!

I have been reading about an Easter Sunday tradition in Wales:

In one village "the people used to gather on Easter morning 'to see the sun dance and play in the water and the angels who were at the Resurrection playing backwards and forwards before the sun.' They were not serving any useful purpose, ... they were not there for healing - they were at play, and in their dancing and playing they touched something in each of the onlookers:

To and fro went the wings, to and fro
over the water, playing before the sun.
The people had no words to tell
the astonishment, the individual bounty -
for each his own dance in the veins.
brush of wings on the soul."

May we also experience Easter joy as we contemplate the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus - a reminder that resurrection from the dead is God's will for us all!

(Quote taken from To Pause at the Threshold, p. 61. The poem fragment by Welsh poet, Ruth Bidgood)

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