There was a real sense of discovery about the place...

I didn't fill out a job application ...yet! But the energy and excitement I felt in the store reminded me of how pleasant a workspace should be...

It needs to be exciting and fun!

Later on, reflecting on why I liked being in this store so much more than other household goods stores, I realized that it was because it was CLUTTERED! Not messy or dirty or untidy - but full of one-of-a-kind objects. Shopping there was a real treasure hunt!

As I meandered down the aisles, I wondered what neat gadget, food item or unusual piece of furniture I would find next!

I thought of my own clutter at home ... how it holds surprises, too - when I find a book I had forgotten about, or a project I had started long ago...

I guess I thrive in clutter, because of the sense of adventure in re-discovering things I love - but had forgotten about!
So rather than get down on myself about how messy or cluttered my home is, I've decided to celebrate the sense of adventure clutter brings... When I tidy off my desk today, what treasure will I find under the mounds of papers?!!
By the way, if you were wondering what the name of this delightfully cluttered place was, it's ...

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