Thursday, April 5, 2018

April Snow

Two days ago, the weather was cool - but most of the snow in our yard had disappeared.

I decided to gather up pine cones that had fallen from the trees...

I then raked pine cones and pine needles out of my front flower bed. They tend to accumulate there over the winter.

When a passer by asked if it wasn't a little early for gardening, I told him that I didn't like to rake once buds were up, for fear of damaging them...

Pine needles also add acidity to the soil, hampering the growth of some of my plants.

The raking went quickly. Before I knew it, I had four plastic garbage cans full of yard waste...

Then, overnight, it snowed!

Terry had even removed the plastic cover from his winter "garage" - high winds were in the forecast.

This is the world we woke up to yesterday!

Even though new growth is sprouting, snow is covering everything again...

Tuesday's cans of spring yard waste are hidden under the eaves, to protect them from snow and freezing rain.

It's a week after Easter - but it's not quite spring!

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