Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An Apple a Day

My 95-year-old mother lives by two maxims. One is: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

She ate at least one apple daily until apples became too hard to bite into. Then she switched to apple sauce and apple juice. Even now, she always has a glass of apple juice at her bedside table - together with several glasses of water. (She also believes in drinking 10 or 12 glasses of water daily!)

As I sit here nursing a sore throat (my first cold of the season), I think about how healthy she is. (She rarely gets colds.) So I cut up an apple.

Maybe I should add a bit of honey. Apples and honey are always eaten together at the Jewish New Year -  symbols of a "sweet" (and healthy?) year ahead. Besides, honey is supposed to be good for a sore throat.

My mother's other maxim? "Life is a constant change."

These two sayings (which she repeats daily) have encouraged her to accept the changes that have come her way - and at the same time given her the optimism to believe that she will remain healthy! (After all, she does eat an apple a day!)

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