Saturday, October 3, 2015

Autumn Yard Work

Autumn is my main gardening season... In spring, I clean up winter debris and wait for my perennials to pop up! In summer, I enjoy the flowers... and in winter I do nothing but wait for spring to arrive!

Autumn is my busy time. With milder weather, working outdoors isn't as hard as in the heat of summer. So I plan my garden for the coming year, dividing and moving plants that have grown too big - like this hosta I've put into a new garden bed where trees were recently cut down.

New soil is needed to fill in the many new holes... which is where my compost comes in...

It has to be dug up, too.

Dead plants that have been composting for two years are ready to be mixed with the garden soil. I dug up 10 wheelbarrow loads last week - then Terry did the rest.

Until I need the compost when I transplant the flowers or build a new garden bed, the soft soil is covered with thick black plastic to prevent weeds from growing in it.

I'm always satisfied to see my compost bin empty and ready to receive fresh foliage - mainly flowers that have finished blooming.

Moving wheelbarrow loads of soil is hard physical labor... probably the hardest I do all year. But I love it! To avoid getting injured, I break it down into small tasks... working only an hour or two every day. Eventually - if the weather stays nice - it all gets done! Even then, it takes several weeks to do it.

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