(Does it look different before and after being quilted?!... ) Here it is before...
There were a few "learning curves" along the way...
...such as discovering the necessity of using a 12.5 inch square ruler to square up all the blocks and make even uneven-looking quilt blocks fit tidily together. The next challenge was hand-quilting it in two large pieces, as a form of basting... Then sewing the two quilted pieces into one really large quilt and machine quilting it!
This was a test for my new extra-large sewing machine.
I discovered that - although the opening was big enough for the quilt to pass through quite easily - I had to watch that the sheer weight of the quilt didn't unbalance my sewing. At times my rows of stitching didn't end up straight. (Maybe I should have used masking tape as a temporary guide line.)
The quilt back is also an example of patchwork!
When I think of the mound of scraps I started with a few months ago...
It's come a long way!
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