Friday, January 19, 2024

My New Fitness Goal for 2024

For the past few years, my fitness goal has been to walk more - to take at least 10,000 steps a day. I keep my iPhone in my pocket at all times to count my steps.

But I've discovered that the phone counts more than my number of steps. It also counts my speed, the average length of my steps and my "double support time" - the percentage of time I have both feet on the floor at the same time, so that I'm NOT standing on only one foot.

My steadiness and asymmetry as well.

What is "asymmetry"? I wondered... Here's the explanation on the phone app:

So, all in all, my walking is not that bad. But there's one aspect of mobility that I'm very, very poor at: Getting up when I'm sitting on the floor. In fact, it's shocking to me how un-agile I've become.

Relearning how to stand up when I'm sitting on the floor - playing with my grandchildren - is my fitness goal for the coming months. 

I'm not quite sure how to do it... I'll start by getting down on the floor several times a day to PRACTICE...

In cultures where people sleep on mats on the floor, do people lose their ability to get down on the floor or stand up? I suspect they don't.

(Is this another example of "use it of lose it?!)

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