I'm actually not a teamwork kind of person - not unless the task lends itself to teamwork (like doing housework... or running a school). And - to be honest - I think that some "teamwork" projects assigned by teachers isn't really suited to group work at all.
But whether we like it or not, we are all part of "teams". For many years I was on the staff of a school - which really is a big team, too. Now my "team" is my family - often just Terry and me (a team of two!)
Sometimes - in the busyness of the working world - we don't get a chance to tell our co-workers how wonderful they are to work with...
Recently - at a retirement party at the school I used to teach at - a "team" of teachers entertained us with their songs and poems. These school "Band-itos" (as they call themselves!) were only part of the "team" that put on this memorable event in the school library.
One teacher commented: "Students sometimes thank us for changing their lives. Well, they change ours, too!" So do the people we work with. I salute them here!
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