I love driving up our street, welcomed home by the orange tiger lilies at the end of the driveway. They don't last very long - and I am always sad to see them go...

Daisies waving in the breeze also make me happy. Some came from the garden of a former colleague, Soo, who developed a severe allergy to mold, plastics, and other staples of modern life. (She now spends most of her time outdoors.)

My tiny pink rose bush, near the daisies, is full of blooms this year.

I don't cut it back. In fact, I don't do anything to it... and it certainly is thriving!

Newly blooming in early July are these star-shaped yellow flowers.

And the yellow day lilies...

Also these yellow flowers we used to call "Brown Eyed Susans," growing here amid the hostas.

I'm glad some plants last a while - the Knautia are still blooming - more profusely than ever!

Also these purple-blue geraniums...

I dead-headed the lamium flowers, and they're blooming again!

The carnations (is that what they are?!) in the back garden bed are almost covered with overgrowth... I really have to cut those green and white leaves back. They are very invasive - they just take over!

The clematis beside the back deck are also flowering profusely!

I moved this green hosta from the front flower bed to a shady location under a pine tree, and it seems to be doing better. In fact, it's now in bloom!

And the flowers that I keep indoors over the winter - like this geranium - are also beginning to bloom!

From mid-June through July, my garden is at its best. So now I'm on the lookout for flowers that bloom in early spring - and late summer - to balance things out.
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